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Bite Splints

Excessive jaw clenching and bruxism can accelerate wear and lead to inflamed, tender and painful muscles as well as damage to the jaw joint. To help our patients most comfortably avoid this, we customize bite splints to get the muscles and joints working in harmony. Depending on the cause of the discomfort, different types of bite splints may be recommended in order to achieve maximum comfort and control muscle incoordination.

What are the causes of teeth grinding?

  • Stress or anxiety

  • Obstructive sleep apnea

  • Interferences in the bite

  • Certain medications or recreational drugs

The jaw joint, muscles, and the teeth all need to be working in harmony for a stable and healthy dentition. If one of those factors is unbalanced, it can lead to excessive wear, clicking or popping in the jaw or very sore and tender muscles. A proper diagnosis is key in treating temporal mandibular joint disorders. Dr Vismans has advanced training in treating and restoring these types of patients to restore normal physiological function and get patients feeling comfortable while ensuring and preserving  optimal esthetics.