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Crowns, Bridges, and Veneers

If you have broken, decayed or worn teeth, Dr. Vismans can help you choose the best solutions for optimal esthetics, comfort and function. Crowns and bridges are custom-fitted tooth prosthetics that function and look like natural, healthy teeth. Veneers are a less invasive alternative, but may only be a solution for carefully selected patients depending on bite relation, tooth positioning and initial shade. These thin porcelain veneers are bonded to the surface of your teeth to achieve a strong and stable esthetic result.



A crown, otherwise known as a cap, is custom-fitted to your bite and is placed over your natural tooth or dental implant. This procedure may be recommended if a tooth has a large existing failing restoration or large decay, or in oder to reestablish a normal bite relationship after excessive wear or tooth erosion. 


  1. We will prepare your tooth for the crown

  2. An impression of your tooth will be taken for crown fabrication

  3. The shade for your new crown will be selected

  4. We will custom make a temporary crown for your tooth until the lab makes your permanent one

  5. You will come in again for permanent crown cementation

Crowns are very strong restorations and can be brushed and flossed like a normal tooth. If properly cared for, a crown will last for many years to ensure your teeth both feel and look good. 



To replace a missing tooth that has neighboring teeth with decay and/or large fillings, or a tooth that has been missing for a long time (i.e., with gum recession around the area), we may recommend bridges as opposed to dental implants.

Bridges have been a good permanent option to replace missing teeth for a long time. Dr. Vismans will demonstrate proper cleaning techniques when the bridge is delivered to ensure it can stay clean to maintain excellent gum health and avoid getting future decay around the new bridge.



If you’re looking to cosmetically correct or enhance the appearance of one or more teeth, we suggest veneers. They are made of thin porcelain that allow us to change the shade and shape of your teeth. Veneers are very strong and durable when done properly. Not everyone is a good candidate for veneers and Dr. Vismans will do a comprehensive analysis in order to ensure optimal esthetic and long-term results.

Common uses for veneers:

  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Misshapen or irregular teeth
  • Dark triangles between your teeth
  • Teeth that do not respond to traditional whitening treatments

If you are interested in veneers, call today in order to schedule your smile analysis!